I have my own feelings about abortion. In 1973 I was in high school and had to tell my Mother that my girlfriend was pregnant. Mom threw a fit. She demanded that the baby be aborted. I was horrified. I was 17 and had no idea what to do with a baby but I couldn’t imagine my child being slaughtered.
Whatever her motivation was, my girlfriend kept the baby.
In spite of my horror at the suggestion of abortion I eventually bought the lies about women’s health and women’s rights. I nodded my head in agreement when people said “It’s a woman’s right to choose to terminate a pregnancy”. I agreed that abortion is “women’s health”. I even donated out of my paycheck to Planned Parenthood, the primary abortion provider in the country. I believed they were pro-family. I drank the cultural Kool-Aid but I couldn’t resolve myself to the paradox. How can we call the unborn “fetal tissue” and eliminate it when it’ll become a child at an indeterminate point in the pregnancy. How can we make a distinction that isn’t distinct? How can we tolerate the death of millions of innocents?
Not everyone has drunk the death-cult Kool-aid.
On the 17th of January thousands of pro-life advocates gathered in Washington, DC preparing to march for life the following day. The event hasn’t been properly reported by the opposition, which most people call the “Network Media”. The only reason I knew about it is because Angela Ann, the niece of my wife, posted on Facebook she was attending.
Last night on the NBC evening news the March for Life was mentioned in passing. They announced it as “anti-abortion”, instead of “pro-life”. According to Angela Ann a small Native American event at the Lincoln Memorial was covered more thoroughly than the March for Life. My search of NBC news found the Pro-Life March far down the page hidden between a story on the upcoming lunar eclipse and a movie review. Some coverage said “thousands” marched. CNN said about a thousand people showed up. Pro-life sources have video showing hundreds of thousands marched. Many say the crowd was even larger than the 650,000 that attended the 2013 march. Reviewing the March for Life Facebook page reveals many groups and too many banners to count. “Students for Life” time-lapse video of the march is awe-inspiring. I’ve never seen a crowd so huge.
It’s not only the churches and Christian groups that are involved in the pro-life march. Secular groups are involved in the pro-life movement as well. In 2017 the American College of Pediatricians stated, “The predominance of human biological research confirms that human life begins at conception—fertilization. At fertilization, the human being emerges as a whole, genetically distinct, individuated zygotic living human organism, a member of the species Homo sapiens, needing only the proper environment in order to grow and develop. The difference between the individual in its adult stage and in its zygotic stage is one of form, not nature. This statement focuses on the scientific evidence of when an individual human life begins.” Perhaps the science has swayed non-religious groups to become pro-life. These include pro-life Libertarians and humanists. There are also pagans and atheists that have become pro-life.
In January of 1973 the Supreme Court ruled against the state of Texas law forbidding abortion. Their ruling effectively legalized abortion nationwide. One year later the first “March for Life” was held. It continues in January of every year. Marchers come from all over the country. Angela Ann and her daughter are just 2 of many that make the trip from St Charles County, Missouri. She’s attended several times with others representing the Lutheran school in their county.
I don’t know how many children have been saved by pro-life activism. I do know that millions of children have died from abortion. I think that many of the women that have had abortions have psyches that are permanently scared.
Mother Teresa said “Any country that accepts abortion is not teaching its people to love, but to use any violence to get what they want. That is why the greatest destroyer of love is abortion.” She also said that abortion is a war against women. It’s time to cough up the Kool-aid and understand we’re being lied to.
Thank God my child was born a healthy, beautiful girl. I had no clue what to do. It was a bad time in my life to have a child. It was inconvenient for the mother and she ran off, leaving my child with me. Somehow my daughter survived and is an intelligent, productive businesswoman with 2 wonderful sons. Women’s health lies could have eliminated them and every generation to come. The “women’s health” lies have eliminated countless others.
I pray that some day we don’t have to march for life. Maybe someday we’ll protect children.
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