...Noah was a just man and perfect in his generations, and Noah walked with God. (Genesis 6:9, KJV)
I think that we’re making the generations imperfect. I think we’re destroying ourselves.
A couple of years ago ago I talked to you about the new technology in genetic research. The technology is called CRISPR. It’s an easy, efficient way to edit genes. It allows anyone with the kit to edit genes in an organism. At that time the plans were to sell a home kit to allow splicing genes in bacteria or yeast.
I wrote about the fact that we, as a species, could take this too far. We always take technology and modify in new and unexpected ways. It’s our nature.
Now a Chinese scientist has edited the genome of twins so that they are immune to HIV. This is shortly after authorities swore that the genome project was abandoned.
Scientists agreed not to screw around with the human genome. They said it was unethical. I cautioned everyone that if we can do a thing, we do it. I’m sad to say I was right.
The United Kingdom granted a research application to a team. The Human Fertilization and Embryology Authority is allowing gene editing of human embryos “to look for ways to cure genetic defects and cure disease”. They’re screwing around with the species.
In case there is any doubt, an embryo is an organism that at some point becomes a fetus. To some of us these terms are ways to avoid using the term “baby”. No one wants to experiment on babies. It’s OK to do if you change the language to something less emotionally charged. An embryo and a baby is the same thing, but we don’t think about it that way.
The scientists said that the babies, I mean embryos, would be destroyed after weeks. The babies, I mean embryos, won’t be implanted in the womb. I have no reason to believe them.
In this country scientist said it’s unethical to edit the human genome but they agree to do it anyway. They agree the purpose of editing genes is to eliminate diseases.
Scientists would never try to make a super-human. Designer babies are not on the horizon. Just ask them, they’ll tell you. Everyone agrees that it would be wrong to edit the genome to make a person that is stronger, faster, smarter, or prettier than the person would be otherwise.
If one of our billionaires funds genome research could he or she ever persuade a scientist to make him a custom son or daughter? You know the answer to that. Even researchers have to play politics. They undoubtedly do what they’re told in order to get the money they need.
Does a government want a super-soldier? Of course they do. They’d love to custom order what they want in a soldier or spy. Numerous science-fiction stories have foretold this.
Churches caution that scientists are “playing God”. Others warn that changing our genes can cause genetic disasters. It can take years, or even generations, for us to really know what we’ve done to the family of man.
I know we won’t stop until we find the answers we want. It’s our nature. I just hope we tread very lightly. I hope we don’t create a vortex in the gene pool that kills us all.