You made the statement the other day that you’re an atheist. I recognize that you have the right to believe, or not believe whatever you want. It’s one of our most basic freedoms. I acknowledge that, but as your friend I have the right to tell you when you’re wrong.
Bob, you believe that there’s no God. You’re wrong.
I’ve heard a way to understand the existence of God. Draw a large circle. Imagine the circle represents the entire universe. Imagine all of the knowledge that can be absorbed in the universe. Imagine all of the knowledge of physics, and mathematics, and history, and everything else possible in the entire universe is represented in that circle. Now imagine all of the knowledge that you have. If all of the knowledge that exists everywhere is illustrated as a circle, then the knowledge we each possess is a mere pin prick in that circle. What we know is nearly insignificant when compared to what could be known. In all of that knowledge that we do not possess, is there room for God? Is there room for knowledge of God’s existence in all that we don’t possess? Yes, there is. It’s only logical that there is room for God in the universe of knowledge.
I think we all have a need for God. I think that people in all cultures have always sought God. I think it’s coded in our DNA. That means every cell of our body is seeking God. It’s a form of magnetism, just like iron seeks a magnet. We came from God, and we can’t truly rest until we reach God.
The way I think about it is like this. If I understand Newton he stated there is a gravitational force between objects. No matter how far apart you move them the force between them remains. If they have an attraction when next to each other, they will still have an attraction when one is moved to the other side of the universe. The force will be small, but it’s there. That’s the way it is between each person and God. We have a force between us that draws us.
Let me put it another way. All water flows to the sea. Any water anywhere will end up in the sea. It’s where it belongs. It will flow hundreds of mile to become part of the ocean. It always does this because the sea is where it belongs. Even if it evaporates it will condense to liquid and flow to the sea.
We belong with God and we move ever so slowly to Him. Our souls will never rest until they join God.
How can I make these assumptions? I can because of what we do. We seek. We always want more, and seek out “more”. You and I went in the service because we wanted “more”. We each had a need to find whatever is out there. None of us are ever truly content with where we are, or who we are. In some way all of us are always seeking. We marry to find more, and to be more fulfilled. We work to get more. We read to accrue more knowledge. We drink, or do drugs, or gamble in our quest for more of a thing: More peace, more acceptance, more love, more of something.
My point is that we spend out entire lives looking for more and we’re never satisfied. The only people I know that are truly satisfied are those that have found God. You can see a look of peace on the faces of those that have found God.
You know what I mean. You may think that they’re idiots and that they’re lying to themselves because of their inner peace. You may think their fulfillment is delusional. I propose to you that the rest of us are delusional and idiotic. We look for all the wrong things to fill an emptiness that we have from being apart from God. We deny where the invisible force, the magnetism, is drawing our souls.
Bob, you don’t believe in God but you must acknowledge the possibility of God. If you do that, then you know your belief can be wrong. That is the first step to God. It’s the first step to fulfillment. It’s what you’ve been seeking.
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